
New Patient Information

No Prescription is required for Massage Therapy.

Obtaining a Prescription for Physical Therapy

For the initial evaluation, please bring a prescription from your physician. If you are not able to do so in time for your initial evaluation and treatment, please be sure to obtain the prescription within 30 days of the initial visit or 10 visits, whichever comes first. Note that there is no need to get a referral number, since I am an "Out of Network" physical therapist.

Simply call your primary care physician and request

  • Prescription, not a referral, stating: "Physical Therapy, evaluate and treat as indicated" (or similar)

  • Please do not specify a frequency or duration

  • Diagnosis and ICD-10 diagnosis code must be stated on the prescription.

  • Must include the physician’s NPI number, address, and phone number.

This may be mailed/faxed directly to you or faxed to me at:
Fax: 585-385-0868

Note: If you are planning to submit receipts to your insurance company for partial reimbursement, you must have a prescription dated on or before the date of the initial visit.

Note: Please inquire with your insurance company if pre-authorization is required for reimbursement of payment for treatment. If so, I MUST contact the company directly following your initial evaluation, in order to obtain a pre-authorization number to cover subsequent visits.


Initial Massage Evaluation and Treatment:

1 hour 15 minutes:     $140

**NO prescription required

Initial Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatment:

1 hour 45 minutes:     $196

**A prescription from your doctor is REQUIRED after 30 days or 10 visits, whichever comes first.

Follow-up Treatments for Physical Therapy and Massage:

1 hour 15 minutes:     $140

1 hour 45 minutes:     $196

2 hours 15 minutes:   $258

Wellness Packages of four (4) (10% discount):

1 hour 15 minutes:     $504

1 hour 45 minutes:     $705

2 hours 15 minutes:   $929


Body Wisdom Physical Therapy accepts CASH, CHECKS, ZELLE, or VENMO. Payment is expected in full at the time of service. There is a $40 service fee for checks with insufficient funds.

24-hour Cancellation Policy

There is a 24-hour change/cancellation policy. You are responsible for FULL payment of the missed/cancelled session. This ensures that open appointment times are not left void, while other patients may be on a waiting list to receive treatment.

Insurance Coverage

Since many different types of insurance policies exist, you must contact your insurance company directly to inquire about your specific coverage. You must ask if you have "Out of Network Provider" coverage. If you do have coverage, also be aware that there may be an out-of-network deductible, which must be met before these treatments will be reimbursed. If you have coverage, you will be provided with an itemized receipt for services, which you will then submit to the insurance company for direct reimbursement of the amount determined by your specific policy.

Please note that if your insurance carrier says it will cover, for example, 80% of the charges, this is not necessarily 80% of what I charge.  Rather, it will be 80% of what they deem as “Usual, customary, and reasonable”. Therefore, expect your reimbursement to be less than 80% of what you actually paid.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

An FSA is a tax-advantaged financial account that can be set up through a cafeteria plan of an employer. An FSA allows an employee to set aside a portion of his or her earnings to pay for qualified expenses, most commonly for medical expenses. Money deducted from an employee's pay into an FSA is not subject to payroll taxes, resulting in a substantial payroll tax savings. Please request a receipt for services, if you would like to submit to your FSA account.

Medicare Or Medicaid NOT Accepted

I am NOT an authorized Medicare provider. Therefore as a licensed physical therapist, I am NOT able to accept out-of-pocket payments from physical therapy patients if they have Medicare coverage. 

When You First Arrive at Office

Pull into the driveway until reach the orange cones at the large tree on the right. This will make backing out easier. Please note that because I have a single lane driveway, you will need to wait for the patient before you to exit prior to pulling into the driveway. Also, I will be using those few moments between patients to complete administrative tasks, clean and transition the treatment room, and respond to correspondences. So even if there is no car in the driveway, please wait for your appointment time to enter through the FRONT door. Your treatment time includes discussion of your present status, payment, and scheduling follow-up appointments.

What to Bring

  1. Prescription for Physical Therapy (unless you are a massage client)

  2. Completed Intake Form
    Bring your completed Intake Form, which you may download and print from this site.

  3. What to Wear
    For MFR treatments it is ideal for men to wear loose fitting elastic-waisted gym shorts or underwear. Women should wear either a bra/underwear, 2-piece bathing suit, or loose tank top and elastic-waist gym shorts. This attire will be imperative to allow me to assess posture, perform movement tests, as well as access regions of your body for treatment without draping.

  4. What NOT to wear
    Please do not wear any lotions or oils on the day of your initial evaluation or on any subsequent visits. For effective MFR treatment, the skin needs to be clean and dry.

  5. Camera/camera phone/digital video camera
    It has proven to be very helpful to patients for me to take pictures of them as they are performing their exercises. Because many of the stretches and functional strengthening exercises are performed specifically for you and your specific needs, it enables you to capture the nuances of your home exercise program. This greatly assists you in carrying out your program independently at home. A handout with generic pictures often does not illustrate exactly what you, as an individual, need to accomplish.

What to Expect

Physical Therapy Intake: The first visit is a 1 hour 45 minute session. This includes a comprehensive review of your medical history and physical evaluation for approximately 30 minutes. This is followed by 1 hour 15 minutes of hands-on treatment and instruction in self-treatment techniques and therapeutic exercise. 

Massage Therapy Intake: The first visit is a 1 hour 15 minute session. This includes a comprehensive review of your medical history and physical evaluation for approximately 15 minutes. This is followed by 1 hour of hands-on treatment and instruction in self-treatment techniques.


Monday through Friday 8:00 am-6:00 pm



Please download and complete the intake form before your first visit

Information for your visit, directions, etc.